A Match Made In Heaven

Prestige IAQ aims to collaborate with janitorial companies and maid services in the Fort Worth Metroplex, with the goal of offering their clients superior indoor air quality. While these local businesses clean the buildings, Prestige IAQ will take care of cleaning the air, a complementary partnership. As a local business, you can benefit from this collaboration by receiving a referral fee for every unit we install in your customer’s home or office. To learn more and express interest in partnering, please click below.


– You offer indoor air quality (IAQ) to your clients, via Prestige Air
– We never see your client list
– We provide all marketing materials, service, and support
– We don’t seek to sell  AC services
– You pay nothing
– You get 10% of all sales, off the top


– You now offer something none of your competitors do
– You gain market share by offering a more comprehensive building cleaning solution
– We both get new business

How It Works:

  • You offer the service to your clients with the marketing materials we provide.
  • When they raise their hand requesting more info you pass them along to us.
  • We schedule the first appointment.

Upon arrival we set up our indoor air quality monitor and run a 30-minute IAQ test.


While the test runs we then proceed to their HVAC units and review sizing, type, and system needs. 


We put together a preliminary estimate, contingent upon the results of the test.


Once the test completes we review the results with the client, discuss their options and provide the quote.

  • If the client moves forward we place the order for the equipment and schedule a time to come back and install. 
  • Client pays at the time the work is completed.
  • Once a month we pull a report for revenue gained from your clients and pay you 10% via check.


– $250 per ton of cooling for the first 10 tons (10 ton minimum, $2,500)

– $175 per ton of cooling for every additional ton


A doctor’s office with 50 tons of cooling would be quoted:

$2500 ($250/ton for the first 10 tons)

$7000 ($175/ton for the remaining 40 tons)

$9500 total. 

$950 is your referral fee.

Next Steps:


We send over the referral fee agreement which contains a mutual NDA to protect your info as well as ours.


You review and sign in Docusign.


Once completed and received we send you the marketing materials which include:
– Infographic PDF
– Client facing email
– Any other specific materials you request


We are also available for any support you may need when making this new service known to your clients.

I’m In! Let’s Get Started!

Fill in the Business information that you want to be inserted in the Docusign Agreement.